Organize and conquer

Hi, Welcome to Belgium.
Moving to a new country is exciting, but it can also be overwhelming: lots of boxes, lots of paperwork, a language you’re not familiar with, …
As a Professional Organizer I’m here to help you get a good start. Together we can get your house organised and feeling like home.

Are you in need of an extra set of hands to get you installed in your new home?
Or are your working hours so demanding that you don’t have the time to bring order to your home?
Give me a call:

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About Sarah Brouwers


 I spent my childhood growing up in Belgium, England and Denmark.  After getting my Masters degree in Construction Engineering I worked for 10 years as an engineer with a construction company and a town governement.
Juggling a full time job, two kids and a renovation, I searched for balance and solutions to combine all these parts of my life. I wanted to bring back more fun, pleasure and time for love in my life.

Now I’m an entrepeneur, helping people organise their homes and their lives so that they too can have more fun and less stress.

My style is practical, with lots of enthousiasm and energy.

And chocolate. Long live chocolate.

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